RateItAll is a consumer-review website that also incorporates social networking. Consumers review diverse products and services, share information, and get paid modestly for their reviews. Its reviews include a five-star ranking system for those items being rated. It is one of the largest consumer-review internet based services, offering free access to over 8 million reviews posted on its website to date (as of 2010).
It serves as a free alternative to Consumer Reports and Angie's List which provide some similar fee-based services.
RateItAll was founded in San Francisco in 1999 by software entrepreneur Lawrence Coburn and one other creator with the following business idea. The Internet features a wide range of user reviews and ratings for numerous purposes including social networking sites and blogs. The business premise was to provide useful reviews to prospective consumers as well as compensate reviewers for their effort. Since user reviews can be posted next to advertising, when people read the reviews, there is a chance that they will also see advertising beside the review, which may possibly lead to a sale or at least result in positive exposure. This benefits the advertiser. Since it is possible to track readership (of reviews and hopefully advertising) using Google's AdSense service, it's possible for advertisers to pay for this exposure through Google to RateItAll, and it's possible for RateItAll to share some of these revenues with reviewers to encourage contributions. Such was the business model.
Today she made the pain stop
With the sound of her voice
I've learned to live with doubt
And I've learned to live without
But not by choice
I've had enough sad memories
To last me all my life
I've learned to live with doubt
And I've learned to live without
But not this time
I was walking wounded
I said, "Never again"
She makes it easy
She's my best friend, my best friend
She's right
I look in her eyes
I like what I find
I've learned to live with doubt
And I've learned to live without
But not this time
We speak the same anguish
When we make love she smiles
I've learned to live with doubt
And I've learned to live without
But not this time
I was walking wounded
I said, "Never again"
She makes it so easy
She's my best friend, my best friend
She's right
I was walking wounded
I said, "Never again"
She makes me happy
To be her best friend
She says, she's my best friend