Simeon bar Yochai

Simeon bar Yochai (Aramaic: רבן שמעון בר יוחאי, Rabban Shimon bar Yochai), also known by his acronym Rashbi, was a 2nd-century tannaitic sage in ancient Israel, said to be active after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE. He was one of the most eminent disciples of Rabbi Akiva, and is pseudepigraphically attributed by many Orthodox Jews with the authorship of the Zohar, the chief work of Kabbalah.

In addition, important legal homilies called Sifre and Mekhilta are attributed to him (not to be confused with the Mekhilta of Rabbi Ishmael, of which much of the text is the same). In the Mishnah, in which he is the fourth-most mentioned sage, he is often referred to as simply "Rabbi Shimon".

According to popular legend, he and his son, Rabbi Eleazar b. Simeon, were noted Kabbalists. Both figures are held in unique reverence by kabbalistic tradition. They were buried in the same tomb in Meron, Israel, which is visited by thousands year round.

Critic of Rome

According to a legend in the Babylonian Talmud, Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai criticized the Roman government and was forced to go into hiding with his son for thirteen years. They sheltered in a cave (which local tradition places in Peki'in). Next to the mouth of the cave a carob tree sprang up and a spring of fresh water gushed forth. Provided against hunger and thirst they cast off their clothing except during prayers to keep them from wearing out, embedded themselves in the sand up to their necks, and studied the Torah all day long. He and his son left the cave when they received a bat qol (divine revelation) saying that the Roman emperor had died and consequently all his decrees were abolished.




by: Jbo

Marvin, er ist ein Riesenarsch!
Hat mir die Frau geklaut,
Mein bestes Hemd versaut.
Rache! - die hab' ich mir geschwor'n.
Ich hab' viel ausprobiert,
Und jetzt hat's funktioniert.
Er setzt sein Bier an und ich hab Spass daran,
Weil ich hab' neig'schifft.
Er ist so ahnungslos und meine Freude gross.
Ich hoff', dass er's austrinkt
Und mit dem Brechreiz ringt
Weil ich hab' neig'schifft.
Er fuehrt sein Bier zum Mund,
Zur Freude hab ich Grund,
Weil ich hab' neig'schifft.
Er ist so ahnungslos, die Freude riesengross...

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