Shelter may refer to:
Te Tawharau (roughly translated as "the shelter") was a Māori political party in New Zealand.
Te Tawharau briefly had representation in Parliament when Tuariki Delamere, a former New Zealand First MP, transferred his loyalty to it. In the 1999 elections, Te Tawharau contested electorates under its own banner, but contested the party vote as part of the Mana Māori Movement. It did not, however, win any seats, with Delamere losing his position to Mita Ririnui of the Labour Party. Te Tawharau was founded by Delamere, the late Wharekaihua Coates, known as Willie Coates, and Rangitukehu David Paul. Te Tawharau was founded on the principles espoused by Te Haahi Ringatu (the Ringatu Church) and sought to persuade the Māori people to recognise that under the new MMP voting system it was possible for Māori to hold the balance of power if Māori was able to unite under a common umbrella.
The party contested the 1996 election with six list candidates.
In the 1999 election the Māori parties of Te Tawharau, Mana Māori and Piri Wiri Tua formed a political alliance to hold the balance of power. Te Tawharau did not put forward a party list and the 1999 alliance did not win any seats, the next step in that journey of Māori political awakening was reached in 2005 with the Māori Party winning four of the Māori electorates.
The Shelter was an experimental city car of the 1950s and one of the first applications of such a concept.
It was conceived, designed and built by Dutch engineering student Arnold van der Goot starting in 1954. Van der Goot's interest in transportation developed during his postwar employment by Bristol Aeroplane Company. He hit upon the idea of a small, light and readily available "pool car" specifically for intracity transportation when faced with a university project. Such a car could conceivably be rented almost anywhere in the city, driven within the city limits and dropped off at any of the rental stations. The government of the Netherlands took an interest in van der Goot's project and helped with financial backing since, even at that time, traffic congestion on the narrow, cobblestoned streets of Amsterdam was a problem.
Rasa may refer to:
Rasa are a musical duo that perform bhajan (Indian devotional music) and Western derivations.
Hans Christian is a German-born cellist and multi-instrumentalist. Kim Waters is an American vocalist and devotee of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Christian and Waters formed Rasa in 1998, in San Francisco, California. Hearts of Space Records published Rasa's first three albums: Devotion (2000), Union (2001), and Rasa in Concert (2002). Since then, the band has released three additional studio albums through New Earth Records. Their fifth album, Temple of Love (2006), is a tribute to the Khajuraho Group of Monuments.
A rasa (Sanskrit: रस lit. 'juice' or 'essence') denotes an essential mental state and is the dominant emotional theme of a work of art or the primary feeling that is evoked in the person that views, reads or hears such a work.
Although the concept of rasa is fundamental to many forms of Indian art including dance, music, musical theatre, cinema and literature, the treatment, interpretation, usage and actual performance of a particular rasa differs greatly between different styles and schools of abhinaya, and the huge regional differences even within one style.
Bharata Muni enunciated the eight Rasas in the Nātyasāstra, an ancient work of dramatic theory, written during the period between 200 BC and 200 AD. Each rasa, according to Nātyasāstra, has a presiding deity and a specific colour. There are 4 pairs of rasas. For instance, Hāsya arises out of Sringara. The Aura of a frightened person is black, and the aura of an angry person is red. Bharata Muni established the following.