Rarh region (Bengali: রাঢ়, Rāṛh) is a toponym for an area in the Indian subcontinent that lies between the Chota Nagpur Plateau on the West and the Ganges Delta on the East. Although the boundaries of the region have been defined differently according to various sources throughout history, today it is mainly coextensive with the state of West Bengal also comprising some portions of the state of Jharkhand and Bihar in India.
The Rarh region historically has been known by many different names and has hosted numerous settlements throughout history. It is suggested that the Rarh region hosted an ancient civilisation also called Rarh and a powerful state, however much of its ancient history remains unknown.
Different names of the region as endonyms are usually variations of the term Rāṛh. It is worth noting that the grapheme ঢ় /ṛh/ is basically the same as ঢ /ḑh/, the only difference being one dot under the ঢ and they belong to the same morphophoneme. The interchangeable variations Radha, Rarha, Ladha, Lara are observed in the oldest Jain book of codes Acaranga Sutra of the 6th century BC. Some other sources use the endonyms Lala, Rara and Lada. According to the linguist Sarkar the Chinese called Rarh as Lati, the Greek as Ganga Ridae and the Aryans as Rāṭṭha. Moreover, many Greek, Roman and Egyptian sources use the variations of Gangaridai, Gangaridae, Gangaritai and Gangaridum with the sense of a state, nation or civilisation which existed more or less in the same or a larger extent of Rarh. Megasthenes, Ptolemy, Strabo, Pliny, Arrian, Diodorus Siculus, Quintus Curtius Rufus and Plutarch all wrote about Gangaridae.
Appreciated every word you said
Another hit, and I swear it's the last time
This should keep me in the straight and narrow
I'm such a sucker for the capital
She told me once, and that's all it took
To make me realize I'm starting over
It takes a strong boy, a strong push
And a reason to come clean
I've got a caddy, and a pistol
That says the light is turning green
There's sand grains in my hair
And love is in the air
So keep the rag top down
Because the sun's about to flicker out
There's no way
This closet's keeping me in here
I've got to break away
This gun is all that I've ever known
They took my lover away
Now I have upped the stakes
This confession is my only sin
Captivated by the passing lights
Incriminated by my growing up
And out of status premonitio is of their ways
I hold this curse at my arm's length out
I've got every reason to
My gut says, "Listen Up"