Raita is an Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi side dish made with dahi (yogurt, often referred to as curd) together with raw or cooked vegetables, more seldom fruit, or in the case of boondi raita, with fried droplets of batter made from besan (chickpea flour, generally labelled as gram flour).
The closest approximation in western cuisine is a side dish or dip, or a cooked salad. It is often referred to as a condiment, but unlike traditional western condiments like, salt, pepper, mustard and horseradish that made dishes more spicy, a dish of dahi or raita has a cooling effect to contrast with spicy curries and kebabs that are the main fare of some Asian cuisines. In vegetarian Indian cuisine, some type of flatbread may be eaten together with raita, chutneys and pickles.
The yogurt may be seasoned with coriander, roasted cumin seeds; mint, cayenne pepper, chaat masala and other herbs and spices.
The word raita first appeared in print around the 19th century; it comes from the Hindi language. The word raita in Hindi and Urdu is a derivative of the Sanskrit word rajika, meaning black mustard, and tiktaka, meaning sharp or pungent. In South India, especially Kerala and Tamil Nadu, traditional raita is called pachadi.
Raita is an Indian/Pakistani condiment based on yogurt.
Raita may also refer to:
You know you're livin' a lie when you just can't win
Pulling in first prize ain't gonna give you a break
You know I'm kickin' back, I had a broken wing
Me and my shadow are the next best thing
I need someone
You know it might take more than you give to me
Are you gun-shy, are you listening?
What we got here is dead reckoning
And take me in for the night in the right time zone
We'll do what you like, make a left turn home
I put out the light, you're turnin' way too red
No stop sign straight up ahead
You need so much
So much sympathy
That's more than I can say
You know it's not too late
Are you gun-shy, are you listening?
What we got here is dead reckoning
And if it feels good, we'll do it again
See your way clear, dead reckoning
Tell me why, tell me why
Are you listening?
Are you listening?
Are you listening?
Are you listening?
You mean so much
So much to me
That's more than I can say
You know it's not too late
Are you gun-shy, are you listening?
What we got here is dead reckoning
And if it feels good, we'll do it again
See your way clear, dead reckoning, yeah
What we got here is dead reckoning