
Nereididae (formerly spelled Nereidae) are a family of polychaete worms. It contains about 500 mostly marine species grouped into 42 genera. They may be commonly called ragworms or clam worms.


The prostomium of Nereididae bears a pair of palps that are differentiated into two units, the proximal unit is much larger than the distal unit. Parapodia are mostly biramous (only the first two pairs are uniramous). Peristomium fused with the first body segment, with usually two pairs of tentacular cirri. The first body segment with 1-2 pairs tentacular cirri without aciculae. Compound setae present. Notopodia are distinct (rarely reduced), usually with more flattened lobes, notosetae compound falcigers and/or spinigers (rarely notosetae absent). They have two prostomial antennae (absent in Micronereis). Their pharynx, when everted, clearly consists of two portions, with a pair of strong jaws on the distal portion and usually with conical teeth on one or more areas of both portions. Most genera have no gills (if present, they are usually branched and arise on mid-anterior segments of body). The larval body consists of four segments.




by: Uriah Heep

Wind it up, here comes the video
It's that song again
Turn it up, it's on the radio
Rockarama -- Charge me up, I got electric eyes, I won't fall own
Light me up, just like a Christmas tree, Or am I seeing things
Wind it up, turn it up, charge me up, never stop
Wind me up, plug me in, turn me on and give me rock and roll
Strap me in to the rocket ship I'm headin' for the sun
Tune me in to the mother ship I must be seeing things
Rockarama it's on the video
Rockarama on my radio
Rockarama on the stereo
Give me rock and roll
Give me rock and roll
Give me rock and roll
Plug me in jack to jack
Pin me to the wall
Hey leave that on
I'm on M.T.V. Now I'm seeing things
Wind it up, here comes the video
It's that song again
Turn it up, it's on the radio
