Raftery is a surname originating in Ireland, predominantly in the County Mayo, County Galway and County Roscommon area. Many Rafterys resettled outside Ireland over the years, predominately to America in the 19th and 20th centuries, but also to Australia and Great Britain. The original Gaelic form of Raftery was O Raithbheartaigh, which was modified to O Raifeartaigh. The surname is derived from the words rath bheartach meaning prosperity wielder.
The Raftery coat of arms or family crest is a black eagle with wings spread, emblazoned on a white ermine spotted pelt with a gold fess (warrior belt) emblazoned with two red fish. All parts of the family crest are symbolic. The following is what the different symbols mean on the Raftery family crest according to the ancient art of heraldry.
Peaceful feelings from beyond the grave
curtins drawn to avoid the shade
oh we've heard - good - things from the lovers.
Everyones got to go to sleep, everyone some day
will die, but the lovers have told us that they're
livin' forever. Ahhh
But don't you count all your blessings be-fore they
happen or, they won't happen at all.
You've gotta live for your blessings or, they wont
happen no, they won't happen at all.
Peaceful feelings from the beyond the grave.
My faith is swimmin' but I have not changed
it just wilted and fell off the moment that I... died~
Peaceful feelings from the beyond the grave; Well
the lovers are lucky that they've got it made oh but
our lives will be cut short... by accident
Don't you count all your blessings be-fore they
happen or, they won't happen at all.
You've gotta live for your blessings to, make them
happen or, they won't happen at all.
Oh don't you count all your blessings before they
happen or, they wont happen at all.
You've gotta live for your blessings or, they won't
happen, no, they won't happen at all.