Radulf of Lincoln
Radulf or Ralph was a canon of the Bishopric of Lincoln. Following the death of Simon de Gunby, Bishop of Moray, he was elected to be the new Bishop. This occurred in 1252.
Radulf was one of at least three 12th and 13th century bishops of Moray to come from Lincolnshire. He may have been the Radulf, also from Lincoln, who appeared as a witness to a charter of Bishop Simon. There is no record of a consecration, though that cannot be regarded as firm evidence that no consecration took place. In the following year there was a new bishop by the name of Archibald. Radulf may have died, he may have resigned, or some other force may have prevented his accession to the bishopric.
Dowden, John, The Bishops of Scotland, ed. J. Maitland Thomson, (Glasgow, 1912)
Keith, Robert, An Historical Catalogue of the Scottish Bishops: Down to the Year 1688, (London, 1924)
Watt, D.E.R., Fasti Ecclesiae Scotinanae Medii Aevi ad annum 1638, 2nd Draft, (St Andrews, 1969)