Radio DeeJay
Radio DeeJay is an Italian radio station. It was founded on 1 February 1982 by the Italian radio and television personality Claudio Cecchetto and was acquired by the Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso in 1989 and Discovery Italia in 2015 (which also owns DeeJay TV, Repubblica Radio TV, m2o and Radio Capital).
TV channel
From the end of 2000, on the satellite platform began broadcasting DeeJay TV.
The TV channel, under the artistic guidance of Linus, was visible from all over Europe until 2003, the year in which the issuer becomes part of the Sky package and coding their own programs.
In October 2009, the channel broadcasts in plain-text, replacing the All Music channel on its frequency. On the Sky platform, the MyDeejay channel is broadcast instead.
Early personalities on this radio station include: Claudio Cecchetto, Gerry Scotti, Molella, Fargetta, Lorenzo Cherubini a.k.a. (Jovanotti), Roberto Ferrari, Linus, Albertino, Marco Biondi, Amadeus, Rosario Fiorello and Valerio Gallorini.