Raḍāʿ or riḍāʿa (Arabic: رضاع, رضاعة) is a technical term from Sunni Islamic jurisprudence meaning "the suckling which produces the legal impediment to marriage of foster-kinship". The term derives from the infinitive noun of the Arabic word radiʿa or radaʿa ("he sucked the breast of his mother"). Often it is translated as "fosterage" or "milk-kinship".
The concept of radāʿ derives from Islamic and pre-Islamic notions concerning the state of consanguinity created between wet nurse and unrelated nursling—that is, a woman and a baby other than her own—through the act of breastfeeding. Radāʿ also defines the links between various relations and family members of both wet nurse and baby, such that not only are the two forbidden in marriage to one another, but so are their relations in various combination (e.g. the nursling's biological brother with the milk-mother's biological daughter). Conversely, the milk-relationship allows usually forbidden familiarities between the two, particularly if the nursling is male and of adult stature, such as viewing the milk-mother unveiled or in private, exactly as if he were a relation.
Rada is the term for "parliament" or "assembly" or some other "council" in several Slavic languages. Normally it is translated as "council". Sometimes it corresponds to "parliament", or in Soviet Union contexts, to "soviet". It also carries a meaning of advice, as in the English word "counsel".
Old High German rāt (from Proto-Germanic *rēdaz) passed (possibly through Polish) into Czech, Slovak, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian languages.
Råd in Norwegian/Danish/Swedish and Rat in German, Raati in Finnish and Raad in Estonia/Dutch means "council" or "assembly" but also "advice", as it does in East Slavic (except Russian) and West Slavic, but not in South Slavic languages.
In Swedish the verb råda (to council) is based on the substantive råd. This is similar to Danish; "råd" (noun) and "råde" (verb).
In Belarus
Rada or de Rada (the latter of possibly Spanish origin) is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Rada is a council in several Slavic countries.
Rada or RADA may also refer to: