Famous quotes by Rachel Johnson:
"There's sort of a misperception about the role that sports drinks play in a nutritious diet. If a child's thirsty, water is the best beverage."
"I am very excited about cross country. With running the 800 in track, the more training I get distance-wise, the better off I will be."
"Users want up-to-the-minute celebrity information at their fingertips and our users are showing no signs of tiring of celeb news,"
"Animal Science is our largest undergraduate department. They have a new chair, Dr. Thomas McFadden, who will continue to build their excellent undergraduate programs in general animal science, pre-veterinary science, equine science and dairy production."
"A new faculty member, Dr. Lynn Gregory, was hired to strengthen our new major in Public Communication housed in the Department of Community Development and Applied Economics. A new faculty member, Dr. Amy Trubek, was hired to strengthen our curriculum around sustainable food systems in the department of Nutrition and Food Sciences."
"Two-thirds of families admitted they had difficulty trying to accommodate everyone's tastes when planning a summer break,"
"After that I received 74 unsolicited text messages,"
"I'm going to watch my friends more closely and make sure they don't do anything stupid."
"what we already know. It's not a huge about-face."
"The internet has enormous potential to bring weight-loss success and lifestyle changes to people worldwide and in settings where traditional clinics cannot."