Revolutions per minute (abbreviated rpm, RPM, rev/min, r/min) is a measure of the frequency of rotation, specifically the number of rotations around a fixed axis in one minute. It is used as a measure of rotational speed of a mechanical component. In the French language, tr/mn (tours par minute) is the common abbreviation. The German language uses the abbreviation U/min or u/min (Umdrehungen pro Minute).
According to the International System of Units (SI), rpm is not a unit. This is because the word revolution is a semantic annotation rather than a unit. The annotation is instead done as a subscript of the formula sign if needed. Because of the measured physical quantity, the formula sign has to be f for (rotational) frequency and ω or Ω for angular velocity. The corresponding basic SI derived unit is s−1 or Hz. When measuring angular speed, the unit radians per second is used.
Here the sign ↔ (correspondent) is used instead of = (equal). Formally, hertz (Hz) and radian per second (rad/s) are two different names for the same SI unit, s−1. However, they are used for two different but proportional ISQ quantities: frequency and angular frequency (angular speed, magnitude of angular velocity). The conversion between a frequency f (measured in hertz) and an angular velocity ω (measured in radians per second) are:
RPM is an abbreviation of revolutions per minute, a measure of rotation frequency.
RPM may also refer to:
The LP (long play), or 33 1⁄3 rpm microgroove vinyl record, is a format for phonograph (gramophone) records, an analog sound storage medium. Introduced by Columbia Records in 1948, it was soon adopted as a new standard by the entire record industry. Apart from relatively minor refinements and the important later addition of stereophonic sound capability, it has remained the standard format for vinyl albums.
At the time the LP was introduced, nearly all phonograph records for home use were made of an abrasive (and therefore noisy) shellac compound, employed a much larger groove, and played at approximately 78 revolutions per minute (rpm), limiting the playing time of a 12-inch diameter record to less than five minutes per side. The new product was a 12- or 10-inch (30 or 25 cm) fine-grooved disc made of vinyl and played with a smaller-tipped "microgroove" stylus at a speed of 33 1⁄3 rpm. Each side of a 12-inch LP could play for more than 20 minutes. Only the microgroove standard was truly new, as both vinyl and the 33 1⁄3 rpm speed had been used for special purposes for many years, as well as in one unsuccessful earlier attempt to introduce a long-playing record for home use.
Sinais de vida no pais vizinho
Eu já não ando mais sozinho
Toca o telefone
Chega um telegrama enfim
Ouvimos qualquer coisa de Brasília
Rumores falam em guerrilha
Foto no jornal
Cadeia nacional
Viola e canto ingênuo do caboclo
Caiu o santo do pau oco
Foge pro riacho
Foge que eu te acho assim
Fulano se atirou da ponte aérea
Não agüentou fila de espera
Apertar os cintos
Preparar para descolar
Nos chegam gritos da ilha do norte
Ensaio pra dança da morte
Tem disco pirata
Tem vídeo cassete até
Agora a China bebe Coca-Cola
Aqui na esquina cheiram cola