
AGERPRES (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈad͡ʒerpres]) is the national news agency of Romania.

The National News Agency "AGERPRES" is the oldest Romanian news agency and the first autonomous agency in Romania. It was established in March 1889 at the initiative of Foreign Minister Petre P. Carp, as the Telegraph Agency of Romania or Romanian Agency with serving as a "fast and accurate service of all general or special interest news".

The Telegraph Agency of Romania continued until the end of 1916, they re-establishment occurring after the First World War. Thus, on June 16, 1921 is established the agency called "Orient-Radio", "caring only for the general interest and that of its subscribers."

In 1926 it takes place a new reorganization of the agency, the Romanian Parliament decided shifting to name RADOR - Information Telegraph Agency. Later, in 1949, the first news agency in Romania becomes AGERPRES.

In 1990, is established ROMPRES and six years later ROMPRES becomes a member of the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA).


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