The RM-38 was a Soviet 50 mm light infantry mortar, developed as a variant of the M1938 120 mm mortar. The barrel was clamped at two elevation angles only - 45 and 75 degrees. Range variations were made by altering a sleeve round the base of the barrel. This sleeve opened a series of gas ports which bled off exhaust gases and so determined the range.
The project was deemed overly complex and expensive, and was only produced for a short time, before being replaced by the Model 1939. Despite the small number produced, some fell into German hands in 1941, who introduced them as the 5 cm Granatwerfer 205/1(r).
The RM-38 or 50-RM 38 (50-mm company mortar model 1938) was based on the Stokes mortar. It was further developed as the RM-39 and RM40.
The Red Army of the USSR divided mortars into company (RM) battalion (BM) and regimental (HM) mortars. Development of a light 50mm company mortar started in 1937. The RM-38 was approved for use in 1938 and entered production in 1939. In the space of just over a year RM-39, RM-40 and RM-41 replaced each other in succession. RM-41 remained in production until 1943, when the USSR decided to cease making 50mm mortars. Only RM-41 was new design the others being incremental improvements of the original RM-38.
(Music and lyrics by King Diamond)
Room 17 was nice and cool, oh yeah
A few stains on the wall
But that was nothing new to Harry¹s head
Even though he was strapped down to his bed, strapped down
Harry felt pretty good...
Knock, knock ... knock, knock, Is anybody there
Room 17 was nice and cool, oh yeah
But it didn¹t have the string
That would ring the nurse, it wasn¹t there
Poor Harry, he had it coming, Poor Harry
Now he didn¹t feel so good...
Solo : Simonsen
Here comes Doctor Eastmann and Nursie Needle Dear
Look at what they got you ... The CRAWLY BOX
NURSE NEEDLE : ³Don¹t be such a baby, Harry stop that now
The doctor¹s here to help you ... it¹s Eastmann time²
In room 17, everything is so clean
In room 17, there is nothing to be seen
Dr. EASTMANN : ³Black, brown, grey and hairy... we¹ve got them all
Big, small, fast and scary... yeah we¹ve got them all
I can hear it, the Spider¹s Lullabye
I can feel it, the Spiders crawl on by²
In room 17, everything is so clean
In room 17, there is nothing to be seen
Dr. EASTMANN : ³Nurse Needle it is time to begin...
Nurse Needle, stick it in
A brown Lycosa¹s what I¹ve got inside this box
I¹m gonna let him out to see just how you feel, when he¹s around
If you move too much he might just bite you
But we¹ll just have to wait and see about that ... ?²
Solo : La Rocque
Deep into the night, they were testing him
So many different species, Harry could not win
Solo : Simonsen
They forgot a grey one, she was full of eggs
And she would find the warm spot, back in Harry¹s neck
It¹s so moist and warm in here
Knock, knock... knock, knock, Is anybody there
HARRY : ³You forgot some spiders in my room, yesterday
Now I¹ve got this stunning pain
And my neck is feeling weird, Oh I might die
Overnight some of your spiders must have bit me
They were all over me²
Dr. EASTMANN : ³Oh Harry, don¹t be such a fool²
That same night Harry died
When they found him he was grey and white
Solo : La Rocque
Black, brown, grey and hairy... we¹ve got them all
Big, small, fast and scary... yeah we¹ve got them all
I can hear it, the Spider¹s Lullabye
I can feel it, the Spiders crawl on by
In room 17, everything it so clean
In room 17, there is nothing to be seen
Solo : Simonsen
In room 17, everything is so clean
In room 17, there is nothing to be seen