RISC OS /rɪskˈɛs/ is a computer operating system originally designed by Acorn Computers Ltd in Cambridge, England. First released in 1987, it was specifically designed to run on the ARM chipset, which Acorn had designed concurrently for use in its new line of Archimedes personal computers. RISC OS takes its name from the RISC (reduced instruction set computing) architecture supported.

Between 1987 and 1998, RISC OS was bundled with every ARM-based Acorn computer model. These included the Acorn Archimedes range, Acorn's R line of computers (with RISC iX as a dual boot option), RiscPC, A7000 and also prototype models such as the Acorn NewsPad and Phoebe computer. A version of the OS (called NCOS) was also used in Oracle's Network Computer and compatible systems.

After the break-up of Acorn in 1998, development of the OS was forked and separately continued by several companies, including RISCOS Ltd, Pace Micro Technology and Castle Technology. Since then, it has been bundled with a number of ARM-based desktop computers such as the Iyonix and A9home. As of 2012, the OS remains forked and is independently developed by RISCOS Ltd and the RISC OS Open community.



You're Not Listening

by: Rescues

Your eyes are gonna drown in your wine glass
Your mind is skippin' stones over your past
I know better than to ask you "Why love?'
When you begin to believe you're on lies then,
They'll keep swingin' long as you keep fightin'
Until you ruin a perfectly good night, my love
My love, you're not listening
My love, you're not listening
My love, try listening/for the voice that's whispering
to you, my love
Those tears are ten years old
That script has long been sold
That story is sick of bein' told
Say goodbye love
It's time to learn some new lines
They're already rollin' around in your mind
Don't waste yet another life, my love
My love, you're not listening/My love, you're not
My love, try listening/for the voice that's whispering
to you, my love
My love…
My love…
My love, you're not listening
My love, try listening
