
RP, Rp, or rp may refer to:

Science and technology [link]

Video games [link]

Medicine and biology [link]

Military [link]

US Army, RP- Relief in place, Rally Point, Release Point.

Sports [link]

Law and courts [link]

  • Reporting Person or Party in U.S. Law enforcement jargon
  • Registered Paralegal, see paralegal, a designation permitted after passing the PACE Exam (Paralegal Advance Competency Exam), a certification program offered by the National Federation of Paralegal Associations

Organizations [link]

Business and finance [link]

People [link]

Politics [link]

Reform Party (Singapore), an opposition party in Singapore led by Kenneth Jeyaretnam.

Transportation [link]

Places [link]

Religion [link]

Linguistics [link]

Other uses [link]

List of Star Wars characters

This is an incomplete list of prominent characters from the Star Wars franchise, sorted by last name. Many of the characters listed below created for the original extended universe now called Legends. These are no longer are considered part of the Star Wars canon but remain on this list. While it's commonly considered that C-3PO and R2-D2 are the only Star Wars characters to be in all 7 movies, Obi-Wan Kenobi also appears in all of the films: during The Force Awakens, Ewan McGregor's voice can be heard saying the newly recorded dialogue "These are your first steps" while via archive recordings Alec Guinness says "Rey", both occur during a flashback caused by Rey's touching Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber. Before The Force Awakens, Anakin also appeared in all of the films, and was planned to make an appearance as a force ghost in The Force Awakens, but was removed in later versions of the story.

Table of major characters

Please note that this table includes Special Edition changes such as Boba Fett in A New Hope or Ian McDiarmid replacing Clive Revill in The Empire Strikes Back. Also though David Prowse portrayed Darth Vader in the original trilogy, the character's voice was provided by James Earl Jones, and was replaced by Bob Anderson for the lightsaber duels in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi

Responsibility to protect

The Responsibility to Protect (R2P or RtoP) is a proposed norm that sovereignty is not an absolute right, and that states forfeit aspects of their sovereignty when they fail to protect their populations from mass atrocity crimes and human rights violations (namely genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and ethnic cleansing).

While R2P is a proposed norm and not a law, its proponents maintain that it is based on a respect for the principles that underly international law, especially the underlying principles of law relating to sovereignty, peace and security, human rights, and armed conflict.

R2P provides a framework for using tools that already exist (i.e., mediation, early warning mechanisms, economic sanctions, and chapter VII powers) to prevent mass atrocities. Civil society organizations, states, regional organizations, and international institutions all have a role to play in the R2P process. The authority to employ the last resort and intervene militarily rests solely with United Nations Security Council (UNSC).




Ryan Preston



