Rd or RD may refer to:
Rød is a Norwegian word for the color red and a common Norwegian surname. It may refer to
Aiton (Hungarian: Ajton; German: Eiten) is a commune in Cluj County, Romania. It is composed of two villages, Aiton and Rediu (Rőd).
The population modified during time, as follows:
An ancient Roman milliarium has been discovered in Aiton in the 18th century (Milliarium of Aiton). It milestone, dating from 108 AD, shortly after the Roman conquest of Dacia, shows the construction of the road from Potaissa to Napoca, by demand of the Emperor Trajan. It indicates the distance of ten thousand feet (P.M.X.) to Potaissa. This is the first epigraphical attestation of the settlements of Potaissa and Napoca in Roman Dacia.
The complete inscription is: "Imp(erator)/ Caesar Nerva/ Traianus Aug(ustus)/ Germ(anicus) Dacicus/ pontif(ex) maxim(us)/ (sic) pot(estate) XII co(n)s(ul) V/ imp(erator) VI p(ater) p(atriae) fecit/ per coh(ortem) I Fl(aviam) Vlp(iam)/ Hisp(anam) mil(liariam) c(ivium) R(omanorum) eq(uitatam)/ a Potaissa Napo/cam / m(ilia) p(assuum) X". It was recorded in Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, vol.III, the 1627, Berlin, 1863.
It's approaching
600 pounds gas and flesh
Robes in tatters
It's approaching
Lips and tongue abhorrent
Flickering lexicon
Or a stray dog pack leader
Hide hide, all good people hang out for a result
Hide dive hide, reasonable people in silence do exult
Realm of dusk
The Northerns
Look at the North ones
Their brains are unhinged by the sun
Rare stone
Our [faeces/faces] are rare stone
It comes to take them
Move out the armies