Qurac is a fictional country in the DC universe. It is a Middle Eastern country on the Persian Gulf, wedged between Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Oman. Qurac is often used when DC has need of a terrorist state without getting into legal or diplomatic disputes.
Qurac had a metahuman terrorist/mercenary strikeforce dubbed Onslaught (formerly known as The Jihad), a frequent opponent of the Suicide Squad. The Joker served as Quraci ambassador to the US on two occasions, gaining diplomatic immunity (a retcon of a story in which he represented Iran and tried to assassinate the U.N., only being stopped when Superman - posing as a security guard - inhaled the Joker's lethal laughing gas and dumped it in space before it could do any damage).
Weapons designed by John Henry Irons, the future Steel, were leaked by Amertek Enterprises to rebels in Qurac, resulting in many civilian deaths. Later, terrorists from Qurac staged a massive assault on the White House but were stopped by the Cyborg Superman in one of his first appearances.
I knew you
Before you entered through the deadly door
It's eaten away at you
It's given you the edge
You're dreaming of returning
But you don't think you can
(You don't think you can)
They don't sell the product to you
They sell you to the product
They don't give a fuck about you
They just want their deadly dosh
I wish you could see through this
I wish you could believe
That you can really do this
I know you can
Cuz i knew you
Before you entered through the deadly door
It's eaten away at you
It's given you the edge
You're dreaming of returning
But you don't think you can
You don't think you can
They don't want to know about
Your aspirations
They don't care about where they are
Sending you to
They dont't mind they don't mind
To blacken your stream
They are pulling you along
So when will you see
That i knew you
Before you entered through the deadly door
It's eaten away at you
It's given you the edge
You're dreaming of returning
Cuz i knew you
Before you entered through the deadly door
It's eaten away at you
It's given you the edge
You're dreaming of returning
(dreaming of returning
you are dreaming of returning to that
to that same world