A quiver is a container for holding arrows, bolts, or darts. Quivers can be attached in various positions on an archer's body, the bow, or the ground, depending on the type of shooting and the archer's personal preference. Quivers were traditionally made of leather, wood, furs, and other natural materials, but are now often made of metal or plastic.
Norman archers depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry. The top left archer was caught unprepared and has hastily thrown his belt quiver about his shoulders, as well as forgetting his helmet.
The most common style of quiver is a flat or cylindrical container suspended from the belt. They are found across many cultures from North America to China. Many variations of this type exist, such as being canted forwards or backwards, and being carried on the dominant hand side, off-hand side, or the small of the back. Some variants enclose almost the entire arrow, while minimalist "pocket quivers" consist of little more than a small stiff pouch that only covers the first few inches.
Quiver is a 3D first-person shooter released in March 1997. It was developed by ADvertainment Software and published by ESD games. (Both companies seem to have disappeared; the links provided in the game's manual are broken.) The game was designed for MS-DOS, and it runs in up to 800×600 resolution.
Quiver was primarily designed and created by Mike Taylor. The music in Quiver was composed by David B. Schultz (also composed for Nitemare 3D).
It is similar to Doom, with some humor thrown in. The enemies are much less threatening, and there is less blood and gore. The story is simple: aliens have stolen some orbs that allow them to transport to the past, and your mission is to infiltrate their bases and recover the orbs.
"Quiver" is a ten-issue Green Arrow story arc written by Kevin Smith with art by Phil Hester. Published by DC Comics, the arc appeared in Green Arrow (vol. 3) #1-#10.
Having learned of Green Arrow's recent death during his return to Earth in the Final Night crisis, Hal Jordan revives Green Arrow from the dead, but the resurrected Green Arrow only possesses Oliver's memories up to the events prior to The Longbow Hunters, with an examination of his body revealing that he is missing several old scars sustained after that point. As the resurrected Ollie Queen tries to figure out his place in this new world— aided by the seeming benevolent Stanley Dover, who took him in after he rescued Stanley from a mugging—, he interacts with important people from his past, including Black Canary, the Justice League, Batman, and Roy Harper. He also takes on a ward, Mia Dearden, who becomes the new Speedy. As it turns out, Green Arrow was revived in body but not soul— due to Oliver Queen himself preferring to remain in Heaven but recognizing his friend's need to bring something back, the body's memories stopping when they do because Queen felt that things went wrong for him after he took a life when he killed a rapist— resulting in him being attacked by Etrigan the Demon due to his status as a 'Hollow' (A soulless being who can be used by some demons to gain access to Earth). Jordan, as the Spectre, transports Ollie out of Etrigan's reach and brings him to Heaven to talk with his soul. However, when the soul prefers to remain in Heaven, Ollie is sent back and captured by Dover, really a practitioner of the black arts who intends to transfer his soul into Oliver's body (a spell only possible due to Oliver's lack of a soul) and then use the JLA Watcher's monitoring systems to track down a benevolent demon he summoned to grant himself immortality.
You'd leave me at the side of the road to die
(You'd leave me at the side of the road to die)
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
You don't need me anymore to listen to your lies
(You don't need me anymore to listen to your lies)
I won't be no fool for you any longer
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Well it's me, myself, and I
Quiver at the thought of you
Me, myself, and I
Quiver at the thought of being alone
What makes me sick,
What makes me quiver
Just the thought of being alone
Like a needle in a haystack with nowhere to hide
(Like a needle in a haystack with nowhere to hide)
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Like a wing- clipped eagle who's waiting to fly
(Like a wing- clipped eagle who's waiting to fly)
No I won't be trapped in you any longer
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Well it's me, myself, and I
Quiver at the thought of you
Me, myself, and I
Quiver at the thought of being alone
What makes me sick,
What makes me quiver
Just the thought of being alone
What make me sick
What makes me quiver
Well it's me, myself, and I
Quiver at the thought of you
Me, myself, and I
Quiver at the thought of being alone
What makes me sick,
What makes me quiver
Is the thought of being alone
What makes me sick,
What makes me quiver
Well it's me, myself, and i
Quiver at the thought of you
Me, myself, and i