Quilapayún (Spanish pronunciation: [kilapaˈʝun]) are an instrumental and vocal folk music group from Chile and among the longest lasting and most influential ambassadors of the Nueva Canción Chilena movement. Formed in Chile during the mid-1960s, the group became inseparable with the revolution that occurred in the popular music of the country under the Popular Unity Government of Salvador Allende. Since its formation and during its forty-year history - both in Chile and during its lengthy period of exile in France - the group has seen modifications to its personnel lineup and the subject and content of its work. Controversy regarding irreconcilable differences with the current and former group directors led to the division into two distinctive - yet equally impressive - Quilapayún ensembles: one in Chile (named: Quilapayún-Histórico) and one in France (named: Quilapayún-France).
Quilapayún originated in 1965 when Julio Numhauser and the brothers Julio and Eduardo Carrasco formed a folk music trio, which they simply called "the three bearded men" (viz. Quila-Payún) in the Mapuche language (viz. Mapudungun – the language of the people native to the region that is now the south of Chile, the Araucanians). Their first public performances were at the Universidad de Chile in Valparaíso, organized by their first musical director, Ángel Parra (son of Violeta Parra).
Quilapayún is the self-titled debut album released by the Chilean musical group Quilapayún in 1966.
(So much) hatred inside - so close to ignite.
But what you hate is a reflection. A reflection of the
love denied. And what you love is denial.
Denial (that) makes this love a lie. Afraid to escape -
to break your fate. Open this gate
before it's too late.
Take a look in the mirror. What you see is a broken
Caught in a world of false believes in a prison - where
all hope will die.
Ich bin der Dämon! Zeig' nicht mein Gesicht! Erkennst
Du mich? Erkennst Du mich nicht!?
Ich bin der Dämon! Durchbreche das Licht! Ich bin Du -
Du bist ich - Los wirst Du mich nicht!
Du wirst mich nicht los...
Now that I can see you - I let you go. Du wirst mich
nicht los!
Now that I can hear you - I let you go. Wir sind eins!
Ich sehe Dich - Ich erkenne mich!
Ich bin der Dämon! Zeig' nicht mein Gesicht! Erkennst
Du mich? Erkennst Du mich nicht!?
Ich bin der Dämon! Durchbreche das Licht! Ich bin Du -
Du bist ich - Los wirst Du mich nicht!
Du... mein Dämon! Ich erkenne Dich!
Du warst die Hoffnung, (Du) warst das Licht.
Du... mein Dämon! Ich erkenne Dich!
Ich zerstör' Dein R3Ich.