The quadrans (literally meaning "a quarter") or teruncius ("three unciae") was a low-value Roman bronze coin worth one quarter of an as. The quadrans was issued from the beginning of cast bronze coins during the Roman Republic with three pellets representing three unciae as a mark of value. The obverse type, after some early variations, featured the bust of Hercules, while the reverse featured the prow of a galley. Coins with the same value were issued from other cities in Central Italy, using a cast process.
After ca. 90 BC, when bronze coinage was reduced to the semuncial standard, the quadrans became the lowest-valued coin in production. It was produced sporadically until the time of Antoninus Pius (AD 138–161). Unlike other coins during the Roman Empire, the quadrans rarely bore the image of the emperor.
The Greek word for the quadrans was κοδράντης (kodrantes), which was translated in the King James Version of the Bible as "farthing". In the New Testament a coin equal to one half the Attic chalcus was worth about 3/8 of a cent. In Mark's gospel, when a poor widow gave two mites or λεπτα (lepta) to the Temple Treasury, the gospel writer noted that this amounted to one quadrans.
Kogoeru yoru wo koete tondekita
Anato no moto e
Gin no hane kizutsuki sono mado wo tataita
Kusukusuwarai shinagara mogurikonda moufu
Hieta ashi wo atatamete yawarakai kisu de
Koko ni kuru made daretomo kuchi ga kikenakatta
Kurai yami no toosenbo kuguri nukete kita
Kin no kago ni irete oitekita
Kanashii yume
Hohoendekureruno? kowagaranai youni
Sabishigarino kodomo yori yowai kokoro kamo
Sou dare ni mo hanasanai hontou no koto wa
Naishobanashi yori sotto uchiaketa tsumori
Demo mou chanto shitteru
Anata wa itsudatte
Darewo darewo kizutsuketano
Watashi konya mo kono te de
Doko e yukuno kigatsuitara
Tooku tooku tondeta
Oreta hane de
Kusukusuwarai shinagara mogurikonda moufu
Hieta ashi wo atatamete yawarakai kisu de
Koko ni kuru made daretomo kuchi ga kikenakatta
Kurai yami no toosenbo kuguri nukete kita
Sotto soutto uchiaketa tsumori
Demo mou chanto shitteru