Qi (Chinese: 杞; pinyin: Qǐ) was a minor feudal state in ancient China that existed from the beginning of the Shang Dynasty (16th century BCE) until the beginning of the Warring States period, c. 445 BCE.
The state of Qi was founded when the first king of the Shang Dynasty enfeoffed the direct descendants of the royal family of the deposed Xia Dynasty in the area that is now Qi County in Kaifeng, eastern Henan Province. The state of Qi gradually moved eastward to the area of Xintai in Shandong Province until it was finally destroyed by King Hui of Chu.
The state of Qi was apparently very small in scale, as it is rarely mentioned in ancient Chinese documents except to say that "its affairs are not worth mentioning." It is perhaps best known as the inspiration for the popular Chinese idiom, 杞人忧天 (杞人憂天) (Qǐ rén yōu tiān, literally, "Qi people lament heaven" or "the people of Qi worry about the sky"), which is said to refer to the fact that the people of Qi often talked anxiously about the sky falling down on their heads. The idiom is used when mocking a person's needless anxiety over an impossible, inconsequential, or inevitable matter. That being said, its ruler also belonged to the highest feudal rank below king—a duke (公). It is one of the few duchies actually erected by royal edict, compared to the many that were self-declared.
Henan (Chinese: 河南) is a province of the People's Republic of China, located in the central part of the country. Its one-character abbreviation is "豫" (yù), named after Yuzhou (豫州; Yùzhōu), a Han Dynasty state (zhou) that included parts of Henan. Although the name of the province (河南) means "south of the river", approximately a quarter of the province lies north of the Yellow River, also known as the "Huang He".
Henan is often referred to as Zhongyuan or Zhongzhou (中州) which literally means "central plain land" or "midland", although the name is also applied to the entirety of China proper. Henan is the birthplace of Chinese civilization with over 3,000 years of recorded history, and remained China's cultural, economical, and political center until approximately 1,000 years ago. Numerous heritages have been left behind including the ruins of Shang Dynasty capital city Yin and the Shaolin Temple. Four of the Eight Great Ancient Capitals of China, Luoyang, Anyang, Kaifeng, and Zhengzhou are located in Henan.
Henan is a province of China.
Henan may also refer to:
Esaiozu euriari berriz, ez jauzteko
Esan bakardadeari gaur ez etortzeko.
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na.
Eusten nauen soka zara ta itotzen nauena
Ametsak sortu zizkidana galtzen dituena.
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
Zuretzat ilargia lapurtuko nuke gauero,
Eta zu itsu zaude bere argia ikusteko,
Irrifarrez, gero minez eragin didazu negarra,
Nire sua itzali da,
Ez zara gaueko izar bakarra, ez zara!!
Esan sentitzen dudana ez dela egia
Une baten sinisteko ez garen guztia.
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
Zuretzat ilargia lapurtuko nuke gauero,
Eta zu itsu zaude bere argia ikusteko,
Irrifarrez, gero minez eragin didazu negarra
Nire sua itzali da,
Ez zara gaueko izar bakarra, ez zara!!
Na na na na na na na na