The Kara-Khanid Khanate (Persian: قَراخانيان, Qarākhānīyān or خاقانيه, Khakānīya, Chinese: 黑汗, 桃花石) was a Turkic dynasty that ruled in Transoxania in Central Asia, ruled by a dynasty known in literature as the Karakhanids (also spelt Qarakhanids) or Ilek Khanids. Both dynastic names represent titles with Kara Kağan being the most important Turkish title up till the end of the dynasty.
The Khanate conquered Transoxania in Central Asia and ruled it between 999–1211. Their arrival in Transoxania signaled a definitive shift from Iranian to Turkic predominance in Central Asia, yet the Kara-khanids gradually assimilated the Perso-Arab Muslim culture, while retaining some of their native Turkish culture.
Their capitals included Kashgar, Balasagun, Uzgen and Samarkand. Their history is reconstructed from fragmentary and often contradictory written sources, as well as studies on their coinage.
The Karakhanids were a confederation formed some time in the 9th century of Karluks, Yaghmas, Chigils, and other tribes living in Semirechye, Western Tian Shan (modern Kyrgyzstan), and Western Xinjiang (Kashgaria). The name of the royal clan is not actually known; the term Karakhanid is artificial—it was derived from Qara Khan or Qara Khaqan (the word "Kara" means "black" and also "courageous"), which was the foremost title of the rulers of the dynasty, and was devised by European Orientalists in the 19th century to describe both the dynasty and the Turks ruled by it. Arabic Muslim sources called this dynasty al-Khaqaniya ("That of the Khaqans"), while Persian sources often preferred the term Al-i Afrasiyab ("The Family of the Afrasiyab") on the basis of the legendary kings of pre-Islamic Transoxania.
Minha garganta estranha quando não te vejo
Me vem um desejo doido de gritar
Minha garganta arranha a tinta e os azulejos
Do teu quarto, da cozinha, da sala de estar
Minha garganta arranha a tinta e os azulejos
Do teu quarto, da cozinha, da sala de estar
Vem a madrugada perturbar teu sono
Como um cão sem dono me ponho a ladrar
Atravesso o travesseiro, te reviro pelo avesso
Tua cabeça enlouqueço, faço ela rodar
Atravesso o travesseiro, te reviro pelo avesso
Tua cabeça enlouqueço, faço ela rodar
Sei que não sou santa, as vezes vou na cara dura
As vezes ajo com candura pra te conquistar
Mas não sou beata, me criei na rua
E não mudo minha postura só pra te agradar
Mas não sou beata, me criei na rua
E não mudo minha postura só pra te agradar
Vim parar nessa cidade, por força da circunstância
Sou assim desde criança, me criei meio sem lar
Aprendi a me virar sozinha,
e se eu tô te dando linha é pra depois te abandonar
Aprendi a me virar sozinha
e se eu tô te dando linha é pra depois te abandonar