The Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS), is a proposed three-satellite regional time transfer system and Satellite Based Augmentation System for the Global Positioning System, that would be receivable within Japan. The first satellite 'Michibiki' was launched on 11 September 2010. Full operational status was expected by 2013. In March 2013, Japan's Cabinet Office announced the expansion of the Quasi-Zenith Satellite System from three satellites to four. The $526 million contract with Mitsubishi Electric for the construction of three satellites is slated for launch before the end of 2017. The basic four-satellite system is planned to be operational in 2018.
Authorized by the Japanese government in 2002, work on a concept for a Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS), or Juntencho (準天頂) in Japanese, began development by the Advanced Space Business Corporation (ASBC) team, including Mitsubishi Electric, Hitachi, and GNSS Technologies Inc. However, ASBC collapsed in 2007. The work was taken over by the Satellite Positioning Research and Application Center. SPAC is owned by four departments of the Japanese government: the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
Não me convidaram
Pra essa festa pobre
Que os homem armaram
Pra me convencer
Apagar sem ver
Toda essa droga
Que já vem malhada
Antes de eu nascer
Não me ofereceram
Nem um cigarro
Fiquei na porta
Estacionando os carros
Não me elegeram
Chefe de nada
O meu cartão de crédito
É uma navalha
Mostra tua cara
Quero ver quem paga
Pra gente ficar assim
Qual é o teu negócio
O nome do teu sócio
Confia em mim
Não me convidaram
Pra essa festa pobre
Que os homens armaram
Pra me convencer
A pagar sem ver
Toda essa droga
Que já vem molhada
Antes de eu nascer