QMS may refer to:

  • Quadrupole mass spectrometer, a scientific instrument
  • Quality management system
  • Quality Meat Scotland
  • Quality Micro Systems, a company found by Mike Dow and Jim Busby in 1979 and merged with Minolta's printer division in 2000
  • Minolta-QMS, a printer company merged into Konica Minolta in 2003
  • Quantitative Micro Software, a company who developed the EViews software
  • Quartermaster Sergeant, a type of appointment in the British Army and Royal Marines
  • Queue Management System
  • Quicksilver Messenger Service, an American psychedelic rock band of the 1960s
  • Quota Management System, a method of regulating catch in a fishery
  • Qualters Middle School, a grade 6-8 middle school located in Mansfield, Massachusetts
  • Queensborough middle school, a school in Queensborough, New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
  • Queen Margaret's School, a private boarding school/Day School, located in Duncan, British Columbia, Canada
  • Quest Middle School, another name for IDEA Quest located in Edinburg, Texas
  • Minolta

    Minolta Co., Ltd. was a Japanese worldwide manufacturer of cameras, camera accessories, photocopiers, fax machines, and laser printers. Minolta was founded in Osaka, Japan, in 1928 as Nichi-Doku Shashinki Shōten (日独写真機商店, meaning Japanese-German camera shop). It is perhaps best known for making the first integrated autofocus 35mm SLR camera system. In 1931, the company adopted its current name, an acronym for “Mechanism, Instruments, Optics, and Lenses by Tashima.”

    It was not until 1933 that the brand name appeared on a camera, a copy of the Plaubel Makina simply called "Minolta." In 2003, Konica Corporation merged with Minolta to form Konica Minolta.

    On January 19, 2006, Konica Minolta announced that it was leaving the camera and photo business and that it would sell a portion of its SLR camera business to Sony as part of its move to pull completely out of the business of selling cameras and photographic film.



  • 1928: Kazuo Tashima establishes Nichi-Doku Shashinki Shōten ("Japanese-German photo company," the precursor of Minolta Co., Ltd.).
  • Podcasts:


    Make No Sound

    by: Gomez

    He's fine, don't make no sound, he's fine
    She's fine but been around, she's fine
    Said to her there's beauty
    But all she sees is pain
    He's fine, don't be unkind, he's fine
    She's fine but wasting time
    Said to her there's beauty
    But all she sees is pain
    He's fine, don't give no sign, he's fine
    She's fine, she's fine, she is fine
    Said to her there's beauty
    But all she sees is pain
    Said to her there's beauty in your eyes, in your eyes, in your eyes, in your
