QML (Qt Meta Language or Qt Modeling Language) is a user interface markup language. It is a JSON-like declarative language for designing user interface–centric applications. Inline JavaScript code handles imperative aspects. It is part of Qt Quick, the UI creation kit developed by Nokia within the Qt framework. QML is mainly used for mobile applications where touch input, fluid animations (60 FPS) and user experience are crucial. QML documents describe an object tree of elements. QML elements shipped with Qt are a sophisticated set of building blocks, graphical (e.g., rectangle, image) and behavioral (e.g., state, transition, animation). These elements can be combined to build components ranging in complexity from simple buttons and sliders, to complete internet-enabled programs.
QML elements can be augmented by standard JavaScript both inline and via included .js files. Elements can also be seamlessly integrated and extended by C++ components using the Qt framework.
QML is the language; its JavaScript runtime is the V4 engine and Qt Quick is the scenegraph-based UI framework. These are all part of the Qt Declarative module, but the technology is no longer called Qt Declarative.
QML or qml may refer to:
Dices que no hay motivos
y que siempre me has querido.
Pero veo que te vas,
siento que te he perdio.
Sin echar la vista atras
con la maleta entre tus manos
vas subiendo en ese tren
que te aparta de mi lado.
Y besame una vez más
antes de marcharte,
y cuentame cuanto tiempo necesitare
para olvidarte,
si lo eres todo para mi.
Y cuentame cuanto tiempo necesitare
para olvidarte
si te querré hasta morir