Pyranose is a collective term for carbohydrates that have a chemical structure that includes a six-membered ring consisting of five carbon atoms and one oxygen atom. There may be other carbons external to the ring. The name derives from its similarity to the oxygen heterocycle pyran, but the pyranose ring does not have double bonds. A pyranose in which the anomeric OH at C(l) has been converted into an OR group is called a pyranoside.
The pyranose ring is formed by the reaction of the hydroxyl group on carbon 5 (C-5) of a sugar with the aldehyde at carbon 1. This forms an intramolecular hemiacetal. If reaction is between the C-4 hydroxyl and the aldehyde, a furanose is formed instead. The pyranose form is thermodynamically more stable than the furanose form, which can be seen by the distribution of these two cyclic forms in solution.
Hermann Emil Fischer won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1902) for his work in determining the structure of the D-aldohexoses. However, the linear, free-aldehyde structures that Fischer proposed represent a very minor percentage of the forms that hexose sugars adopt in solution. It was Edmund Hirst and Clifford Purves, in the research group of Walter Haworth, who conclusively determined that the hexose sugars preferentially form a pyranose, or six-membered, ring. Haworth drew the ring as a flat hexagon with groups above and below the plane of the ring – the Haworth projection.
Eye know... I'm not gonna sleep 2nite
Cuz u're not by my side and that ain't right
Eye thought that we bought this bed 4 2
What good is it if eye'm not with you
Gimme a page on my 2-way
Eye'll hit you back with no delay
When you hear all eye've got 2 say
U're gonna c me
Whether in person or the phone
I've got 2 get you all alone
And when eye do, baby, it's on
U're gonna c me
U're gonna c me
There's never a minute that eye find
That you don't ever cross my mind
If you could just hold me tight u'd c
There is nothing harder 4 you than me
U're the reason I took a rope
& lassoed the moon
2 prove that when it comes 2 you
There's nothing that eye won't do
Eye would stare in2 the sun
If you would be mine
It's not so great a leap
Since 2 all others eye am blind
Eye know eye'm not gonna sleep 2nite
Cuz ur not by my side and that ain't right