Putrefaction is one of seven stages in the decomposition of the body of a dead animal. It can be viewed, in broad terms, as the decomposition of proteins in a process that results in the eventual breakdown of cohesion between tissues and the liquefaction of most organs. It is caused by bacterial or fungal decomposition of organic matter and results in production of noxious odours.
In thermodynamic terms, all organic tissue is a store of chemical energy, which, when not maintained by the constant biochemical maintenance of the living organism, begins to hydrolyse into amino acids, chemically simpler organic components. The breakdown of the proteins of a decomposing body is a spontaneous process, protein hydrolysis, which is accelerated as the anaerobic bacteria of the digestive tract consume, digest, and excrete the cellular proteins of the body.
The bacterial digestion of the cell proteins weakens the tissues of the body. As the proteins are continuously broken down to smaller components, the bacteria excrete gases and organic compounds, such as the functional-group amines putrescine and cadaverine, which carry the noxious odor of rotten flesh. Initially, the gases of putrefaction are constrained within the body cavities, but eventually diffuse through the adjacent tissues, and then into the circulatory system. Once in the blood vessels, the putrid gases infiltrate and diffuse to other parts of the body and the limbs.
Putrefaction, hurry oh beloved bride
To establish our lonely camp
Rejected by the world, rejected by god
My hope, lies in you
Take my paining body into the wonder of you
Smother my pain in your embrace
Worms devour thought and feeling
Take my paining body into the wonder of you
Smother my pain in your embrace
Worms devour thought and feeling
Hasten, decorate our chamber
For on a scootblack bier the silent lover
your dwelling shall reach
So hasten, prepare our bridal bed
Which shall sow with carnactions
To wonderful gratification, stifling bewitchment
Us black attired comrades followeth
Our wedding march ringeth from iron bells
And shrouds of green draperies hideth us
When storms ravish the worldly seas
When atrocities reign on the bloodfilled earth
When feuds are raging, we slumber thou and I
In contented peace
Take my paining body into the wonder of you
Smother my pain in your embrace
Worms devour thought and feeling
Take my paining body into the wonder of you
Smother my pain in your embrace
Worms devour thought and feeling
To ash in my ravished heart
Oh rich are you, wench, whom I dowry
Giveth me the great, the flourishing earth
Up here, do I suffer, though happines overcomes me