A cutaneous condition is any medical condition that affects the integumentary system—the organ system that encloses the body and includes skin, hair, nails, and related muscle and glands. The major function of this system is as a barrier against the external environment.
Conditions of the human integumentary system constitute a broad spectrum of diseases, also known as dermatoses, as well as many nonpathologic states (like, in certain circumstances, melanonychia and racquet nails). While only a small number of skin diseases account for most visits to the physician, thousands of skin conditions have been described. Classification of these conditions often presents many nosological challenges, since underlying etiologies and pathogenetics are often not known. Therefore, most current textbooks present a classification based on location (for example, conditions of the mucous membrane), morphology (chronic blistering conditions), etiology (skin conditions resulting from physical factors), and so on.
Scratch out the negative
'Til I don't know what it is I'm seeing
And when history starts disappearing
Then it's time for some forgetting
And I'm good at forgetting you know
And we should have said goodbye
A long time ago
There was no crime committed
There was a band that split
And they were so remote
That no one even noticed
And they were good at forgetting you know
And they should have said goodbye
A long time ago
Is there always a ghost I should remember?
Is there always a heart I can't unsever?
Are there no new songs to be learnt?