Pulstar may refer to:
See also:
Pulstar (パルスター) is a shoot 'em up developed by Aicom Co. Ltd and published by SNK for the Neo Geo, Neo Geo CD and arcade; it is the predecessor of Blazing Star. It was the first Neo Geo game to incorporate pre-rendered graphics.
In the year 2248, the first recorded sign of extraterrestrial life is discovered coming from Mars. The signal emanates from the planet and from it an object travels through space at light speed out of the Solar System. Earth scientists read the signal, but not knowing the nature of it, warn the world's defenses in case aliens trace the signal and follow it to Earth with the intent to destroy.
Eight years later, aliens follow the signal and begin attacking the human space craft awaiting them along Neptune’s orbit. The battle between the humans and aliens spreads throughout the Solar System; within two years of combat Neptune is disintegrated, Jupiter is turned into a star and more than half of Earth's continents sink from rising ocean levels and the planet's changing axis as a result. Kaoru Yamazaki, lone fighter pilot of the Dino246, is one of the few survivors of the Pulstar attack force founded to save the Solar System from the alien invaders.
North Carolina State University in 1950 founded the first university-based reactor program and Nuclear Engineering curriculum in the United States. The program continues in the early 21st century. That year, NC State College administrators approved construction of a reactor and the establishment of a collegiate nuclear engineering program. The first research reactor was completed in 1953; it was scaled up in 1957 and 1960 (referred to as R-1, R-2, and R-3). It was deactivated in 1973 to make way for the PULSTAR reactor. The old reactor has been decommissioned.
The PULSTAR is used for a variety of purposes, including training and research. The reactor is located in Burlington Engineering laboratories on NCSU's main campus. This facility was built to house the first reactor and then expanded and renamed when the PULSTAR was built. The current reactor is one of two PULSTAR reactors built, and the only one still in operation. The other reactor was a 2 MW reactor at the State University of New York at Buffalo. It went critical in 1964 and was decommissioned in 1994.
Koto may refer to:
ヿ, read as koto, is a typographic ligature in the Japanese language, consisting of a combination of the katakana graphs of コ ([ko]) and ト ([to]), and thus represents their combined sound, コト ([koto]). It is drawn with one stroke. It is uncommon and used only in vertical writing.
The koto or kotomisse is a traditional dress from the Afro-Surinamese women or Creoles in Suriname. The koto was developed during the slavery period in Suriname; its special purpose was to protect the Afro-Surinamese woman against their masters’ sexual interest.
Different kotos exist for various occasions like weddings or funerals. The development of the koto as regular dress is not complete but it is still used in special occasions like the koto-dansi.
With the koto, women wear a head or body covering called an angisa or anisa. The folding of the angisa sends a social message, for example “Let them talk.”
Koto, 1885
Koto, 1885
Doll in koto
Doll in koto
Doll in koto
Doll in koto