Tiga Island is one of a group of small uninhabited islands in Kimanis Bay off the western coast of Sabah, Malaysia. The islands were formed on 21 September 1897, when an earthquake on Mindanao caused a volcanic eruption near Borneo. The island is 607 hectares in size and has a couple of active mud volcanos at the highest part of the island. Tiga Island is one of the three islands that make up Tiga Island National Park. The Park Headquarters are on the island, comprising an office complex, and accommodation for the park staff and visiting scientists.
Located 48 km south of Kota Kinabalu and the Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park, Tiga Island National Park is reached by driving the 140 km to Kuala Penyu, a small settlement on the tip of the Klias Peninsula.
From here it is another 18 km, or about 30 minutes, by boat. Another way of getting there is by chartering a speed boat from Kota Kinabalu and cruise to Tiga Island, or fly to Labuan and charter a speed boat from Labuan.
Shit sticks to false teeth and
your mouth is full of nothing.
With your mouth so full of shit,
I can't understand a word you're saying.
Sever the arm to save the body,