In law, puffery is a promotional statement or claim that expresses subjective rather than objective views, which no "reasonable person" would take literally. Puffery serves to "puff up" an exaggerated image of what is being described and is especially featured in testimonials.
In a legal context, the term originated in the 1892 English Court of Appeal case Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company, which centred on whether a monetary reimbursement should be paid when an influenza preventive device failed to work. The manufacturers had paid for advertising stating that £100 would be paid in such circumstances then failed to follow this promise. Part of their defence was that such a statement was "mere puff" and not meant to be taken seriously. While the defence ultimately lost the case the principle was confirmed that certain statements made by advertisers, that were obviously not made in a serious manner, could be exempt from usual rules relating to promises in open contracts.
Daydreaming again
Trying to get my mind together
Seeing what could be
Will it take forever?
Let me have this moment
Let me take this minute for myself
A silence, oh, so sweet
Silence shared with someone else
Wanting to escape
I close my eyes
And all the day's confusion
Just passes by
My only release
Is to call on You
A comforting conversation
A message is getting through
This is my time
This is my time
This is ours to share
This is my time
This is my time
This is my time
This is my time
This is my time
This is ours to share
This is my time
This is my time
This is my time
This is my time
This is my time
This is all our eyes can see
I close my eyes,You're in this place
Sometimes I look, I see your face
I close my eyes,You're in this place
And as I grew, I feel so afraid