A 2,300-year-old Egyptian mummy found in 1919 and no archaeologist dares to open it due to its rare wrapping style. Credit. / CC BY-SA3.0... Experts call it one of Egypt’s most puzzling discoveries ... Experts believe he lived during the Ptolemaic period ... .
The 2,300-year-old mummy known as “Bashiri.” Credit... Experts estimate that he lived during the Ptolemaic period, which spanned from the 2nd to early 3rd centuries BCE—a time when mummification practices reached their highest level of refinement ... ....
... period ... Previously thought to date back to the First Temple period, the structure now appears to have been built later, during the Hellenistic period under Ptolemaic rule in the land of Israel.
... mine during Egypt's Ptolemaic period were slaves ... In this new effort, he focuses most specifically on the Ptolemaic period, which arose after the country was conquered by Alexander the Great in 332 BC.
Describing the disturbing discovery in a new study, historian and archaeologist Bérangère Redon explains that gold mining experienced a boom during the Ptolemaic period, which began following Alexander the Great’s Conquest of Egypt in 332 BCE.
The game is mostly set in Egypt during the final phase of the Ptolemaic period, and puts the focus on a Medjay named Bayek of Siwa and his wife Aya ... period, which marked the end of the Sengoku period.