The pseudobulb is a storage organ found in many epiphytic and terrestrial sympodial orchids. It is derived from a thickening of the part of a stem between leaf nodes and may be composed of just one internode or several, termed heteroblastic and homoblastic respectively. All leaves and inflorescences usually arise from this structure. Pseudobulbs formed from a single internode produce the leaves and inflorescence from the top, while those that are formed from several internodes can possess leaves along its length. The modified sheath leaves that appear at the base of a pseudobulb and often enfold all or part of it are usually dry and papery, though in some orchids the sheaths bear leaf blades and the leaves at the pseudobulb's apex are reduced to scales.
In some species, it is hardly swollen at all and looks like a normal stem with many leaves while at the other extreme, some genera such as Bulbophyllum have single, spherical pseudobulbs with one (or two) leaves at the apex of each. Whether cane-like (with many joints) or spherical (with one or few joints), they are all produced from a long-lived creeping stem called a rhizome which may itself be climbing or pendulous. The pseudobulbs are relatively short lived (1–5 years), but are continually produced from the growing tip of the rhizome and may persist for years after its last leaves senesce.
Way, hey, listen to me play
Won't you throw but a shilling,
Or a copper, my way?
Tales of life, love, sorrow and joy
Are the songs that are sung
By the stable boy
Well, I dream of the life
Of a bard on the road,
Yet, the wages they pay
Would scarcely feed the load
So with hoe in my hand
And with rake at my side
I would care after horses
For the ladies to ride
Well, the farmer, he calls me
Into his big home, saying,
"Pretty stable boy,
On the road you now must roam
"Though you do fine work,
I admit that is true,
I have found me a man
Who will work for half as you!"
Well, I woke the next morning
The sky was bright blue
And the farmer, he said,
"There's a favor you must do.
"I've a gathering of orphans
With no where to be,
You must teach them to ride
So that they can work for me!"
Well, we work every morning
And ride every day
We muck out the stalls
And we feed the horses hay
We're such excellent workers,
The foremen believes
I could own this estate
With my band of little thieves