Psalm 22 (Bruckner)
Bruckner's Psalm 22 is a psalm setting for mixed choir, soloists (soprano, alto, tenor and bass), and piano in E-flat major, WAB 34. It is a setting of a German version of Psalm 23, which was psalm 22 in the Vulgata.
Amongst the five psalm settings composed by Bruckner, "Psalm 22" is the only one with piano accompaniment. The work was composed in circa 1852 in St. Florian, but it is unknown whether it was performed at that time.
The manuscript is stored in the archive of the St. Florian monastery. The first performance occurred on 11 October 1921 in St. Florian by Franz Xaver Müller. It was first published in Band II/2, pp. 119-130 of the Göllerich/Auer biography. It was edited by Paul Hawkshaw in 1997 in Band XX/2 of the Gesamtausgabe.
Der Herr ist Hirt und Versorger (The Lord is shepherd and caregiver)
[Ein Psalm Davids.] Der Herr regieret mich, und nichts wird mir mangeln:
Auf einem Weideplatze, da hat er mich gelagert: am Wasser der Erquickung mich erzogen: