The family Proteidae is a group of aquatic salamanders found today in the Balkan Peninsula and North America. The range of the genus Necturus runs from southern central Canada, through the midwestern United States, east to North Carolina and south to Georgia and Mississippi. The range of the olm, the only extant member of the genus Proteus, is limited to the Western Balkans.
Proteidae, is divided into two extant genera, Necturus with five North American species, and Proteus with one extant European species. They represent an ancient group, known from fossils since the Miocene. However, molecular data and a Laurasian distribution suggest origins that go further back.
Family Proteidae
I thought I wanted it this way
I thought I really meant the words that I said
I had so many reasons in my head
But all I really needed was a little time and space
That was just a phase
Now its an empty room
Without you, without you
It's an empty room to come home, to come home to
It's an empty room without you, without you
And this empty room
Just isn't home, it isn't home without you
Well I guess I'm out of sorts
Yeah, I must have been completely out of my head
Cause I feel like I'm a stranger in my own bed
And all the walls and ornaments they seem to offend me
Won't you forgive me?
I thought I wanted this way
I thought I really meant the words that I said
I had so many reasons in my head
But all I really needed was a little time and space