The names Gervasius and Protasius usually refer to the Italian martyrs of that name. However, the names can also refer to other people, who share it as a first name:
Protasius (Italian: Protaso) was Archbishop of Milan. He is honored as a saint in the Catholic Church, with his feast day celebrated on November 24, the day of his death.
Almost nothing is known about the life of Protasius. He was elected bishop of Milan in 328, and served until his death, about 343.
Athanasius of Alexandria, in his Apologia ad Constantium, mentioned that Protasius was with him when he spoke to the Roman Emperor Constantius II; this episode can be dated about 342 or 343. In 343, Protasius attended the Council of Sardica and signed its decrees, standing up against the Arians and supporting the faith of the Council of Nicaea.
Protasius died about 343 on November 24. His body was buried in Milan in the Church of San Vittore al Corpo (Saint Victor Maurus), where it is venerated stll. A late tradition, with no historical basis, associates Protasius with a Milanese family, the Algisi.
Usted que analiza mi vida
Y que opina lo que hubiera hecho en mi lugar…
Tal vez tuve otra alternativa,
Hasta pude evitar éste final y escapar…
Pero decidí esperar y aguantar.
Tuve una esposa y dos hijas
Y mi suegra basureandome de aquí para allá,
Siempre me decían “conchita”
Me trataban como mierda sin razón en mi hogar…
Pero un día me cansé de esperar
Ya no quería seguir volviéndome insano.
Se burlaron de mí y ahí nomás les disparé…
Si volviera a nacer lo habría intentado otra vez.