Program Manager
Program Manager is the shell of Windows 3.x and Windows NT 3.x operating systems. This shell exposed a task-oriented graphical user interface (GUI), consisting of icons (shortcuts for programs) arranged into program groups. It replaced MS-DOS Executive, a file manager, as the default Windows shell.
Program Manager descends from PMShell, the shell for OS/2 1.2, and shares the same icons. Unlike PMShell, which presented its program groups in a simple list, Program Manager opens program groups in child windows using the new multiple document interface in Windows 3. It is possible to run PMShell in Windows by using Presentation Manager for Windows; in that case, PMShell will read the Program Manager groups via DDE.
When executables were dropped into Program Manager from File Manager, Program Manager automatically used the executable's default icon embedded as data inside the .EXE file. Additionally, the Windows Setup program, which populated Program Manager with the standard icons of a fresh install, could also be used to add new icons in bulk after installation. Using SETUP /P from the command line, a standard layout could be installed on many machines in an enterprise using a single SETUP.INF configuration file.