A computer program is a collection of instructions that performs a specific task when executed by a computer. A computer requires programs to function, and typically executes the program's instructions in a central processing unit.
A computer program is usually written by a computer programmer in a programming language. From the program in its human-readable form of source code, a compiler can derive machine code—a form consisting of instructions that the computer can directly execute. Alternatively, a computer program may be executed with the aid of an interpreter.
A part of a computer program that performs a well-defined task is known as an algorithm. A collection of computer programs, libraries and related data are referred to as software. Computer programs may be categorized along functional lines, such as application software or system software.
Early programmable machines
The earliest programmable machines preceded the invention of the digital computer. In 1801, Joseph-Marie Jacquard devised a loom that would weave a pattern by following a series of perforated cards. Patterns, including flowers and leaves, could be weaved and repeated by arranging the cards.
Program management or programme management is the process of managing several related projects, often with the intention of improving an organization's performance. In practice and in its aims it is often closely related to systems engineering and industrial engineering.
The program manager has oversight of the purpose and status of the projects in a program and can use this oversight to support project-level activity to ensure the program goals are met by providing a decision-making capacity that cannot be achieved at project level or by providing the project manager with a program perspective when required, or as a sounding board for ideas and approaches to solving project issues that have program impacts. In a program there is a need to identify and manage cross-project dependencies and often the project management office (PMO) may not have sufficient insight of the risk, issues, requirements, design or solution to be able to usefully manage these. The program manager may be well placed to provide this insight by actively seeking out such information from the project managers although in large and/or complex projects, a specific role may be required. However this insight arises, the program manager needs this in order to be comfortable that the overall program goals are achievable.
A program is a set of instructions used to control the behavior of a machine, often a computer (in this case it is known as a computer program).
Examples of programs include:
The sequence of cards used by a Jacquard loom to produce a given pattern within weaved cloth. Invented in 1801, it used holes in punched cards to represent sewing loom arm movements in order to generate decorative patterns automatically.
A computer program list of instructions to be executed by a computer.
The execution of a program is a series of actions following the instructions it contains. Each instruction produces effects that alter the state of the machine according to its predefined meaning.
While some machines are called programmable, for example a programmable thermostat or a musical synthesizer, they are in fact just devices which allow their users to select among a fixed set of a variety of options, rather than being controlled by programs written in a language (be it textual, visual or otherwise).
You already know that Computational Thinking and Programming carries 40 marks, Computer Networks carries 10 marks, and Database Management carries 20 marks ... If there is any specific type of program ...
Known for its strong engineering and computing programs, CITUniversity is actively shaping the AI landscape in the Philippines through academic instruction, innovation, research, and industry collaboration.
The club was founded last year by FirozaRahman, a math and computer science teacher, and a few interested students as an opportunity to learn programming beyond the computer science classes offered at the Elmsford school.
It begins with visual programming suitable for kids and escalates to real programming languages and thought processes encompassing issues, solutions, and computing.Why KidsLove It.
You know how every annoying Windows program wants to launch as soon as you boot up your computer? Well, now Office is going to do that, too ... launch faster—while making the rest of your computer slower.
Matt Langione, a managing director at the Boston Consulting Group and leader of the company’s quantum computing program, said that Nvidia’s announcement was not inconsistent with Huang’s earlier ...
After the program is downloaded, ... The best way to avoid a hijacked browser extension is to vet the programs you're installing on your computer and read any reviews which warn about potential dangers.
She used it to buy books and computers for the library, whiteboards and printers for classrooms, to beef up a robotics program and build a multipurpose sports court for her students ... ....
... said the study’s lead author, Dinghuang Zhang, PhD, a former postgraduate researcher from the University’s School of Computing and current associate in the knowledge transfer program (KTP) at TG0.
Javice appeared regularly on cable news programs to ... Prosecutors said Javice then paid a college friend $18,000 to use a computer program to create millions of fake names with pedigree information.
Between February and April 2020, "Pilar used his computer and a peer-to-peer file-sharing program called BitTorrent to download videos and images containing (child sexual abuse material) via the internet," according to a DOJ statement.