
A progenitor is a person or thing from which others are descended or originate. For example, it is used to refer to the ancestor who started the line of a noble family.

In a wider sense today it is used to refer to the person who originates a movement or way of life.


The progenitor (German: Stammvater or Ahnherr) is the (sometimes legendary) founder of a family, line of descent, clan or tribe, noble house or people group.Genealogy (commonly known as family history), understands a progenitor to be the earliest recorded ancestor of a consanguineous family group of descendants.

Progenitors are sometimes used to describe the status of a genealogical research project, or in order to compare the availability of genealogical data in different times and places. Often, progenitors are implied to be patrilineal. If a patrilineal dynasty is considered, each such dynasty has exactly one progenitor.

Aristocratic and dynastic families often look back to an ancestor who is seen as the founder and progenitor of their house (i.e. family line). Even the old Roman legal concept of agnates (Latin for "descendants") was based on the idea of the unbroken family line of a progenitor, but only includes male members of the family, whilst the women were referred to as "cognatic".



Latest News for: progenitor


Highlighting The Role Of Fibro-Adipogenic Progenitors In Muscle Regeneration And Degeneration

MENA FN 02 Mar 2025
(MENAFN - EIN Presswire) Multi-lineage differentiation of Pdgfra+ stromal cells in vitro and in vivo. Pdgfra+ stromal cells have multipotent capacity in different conditions. Representative signals ... .
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