Pro tempore (journal)
Pro tempore is a Croatian academic journal. It covers topics in Croatian and world history, and historiography, publishing a selection of articles, interviews, essays, in memoriams and book reviews. Since 2008 each issue has dealt with a specific topic in history, such as the early modern period, cultural history, gender history, business history and the Annales School. Also, since 2009 many international scholars have published their contributions.
The historical journal, founded in 2004 by students, is published by ISHA-Zagreb (the Zagreb section of the International Students of History Association) at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and its current editor in chief is Tomislav Branđolica. The journal is published once or twice a year in Croatian, with some articles in English. Since 2010, the editorial board consists of: Tomislav Branđolica (chief editor), Kristina Frančina, Marta Fiolić, Marko Lovrić, Valentina Nedeljko, Porin Šćukanec Rezniček, Nikola Seiwerth, Filip Šimetin Šegvić and Nikolina Šimetin Šegvić.