Princeps (plural: principes) is a Latin word meaning "first in time or order; the first, foremost, chief, the most eminent, distinguished, or noble; the first man, first person."
This article is devoted to a number of specific historical meanings the word took, in approximate historical order.
Roman Emperor
Princeps civitatis ("First Citizen") was an official title of a Roman Emperor as the title determining the leader in Ancient Rome at the beginning of the Roman Empire. It created the principate Roman imperial system.
This usage of "princeps" derived from the position of Princeps Senatus, the "first among equals" of the Senate. The princeps senatus (plural principes senatus) was the first member by precedence of the Roman Senate.
It was first given as a special title to Caesar Augustus in 27BC, who saw that use of the titles rex (king) or dictator would create resentment amongst senators and other influential men, who had earlier demonstrated their disapproval by supporting the assassination of Julius Caesar. While Augustus had political and military supremacy, he needed the assistance of his fellow Romans to manage the Empire. In his Res Gestae, Augustus claims auctoritas for the princeps (himself).
Nos separan, nos vigilan todo el tiempo, no me importa,tengo amigos, tengo tiempo basta ver mi cara de dormido tengo tiempo. No me importa ellos se van a morir primero yo tengo tiempo...
They named the tree Tessmannia princeps, using a Latin word meaning “most eminent.” The name reflects the tree’s size and presence in the forest ... Tessmannia princeps flowers, Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania.