Latest News for: prehistoric iberia


Colossal Prehistoric Tomb Was “Greatest Engineering Feat” Of The Stone Age

IFL Science 04 Dec 2023
Taking into account all of these innovations, the researchers gush that “the construction of Menga embodies a unique accomplishment representing the state-of-the-art in megalithic engineering in prehistoric Iberia and possibly in Europe.” ... .

An extraordinary archaeological discovery in Spain

Sott 15 Oct 2023
It is thought that late prehistoric stelae in Iberia were created to commemorate important personages ... A report on the first stela is available now ... This find is remarkable, as the contexts of use of late prehistoric stelae ....

Newly Discovered 3,000-Year-Old Stela in Spain Upends Gender Stereotypes

Ancient Origins 07 Oct 2023
... of funerary monuments, burial mounds, stone cists and cremation pits, revealing significant details about the culture and belief system of prehistoric peoples who lived in this part of ancient Iberia.

Unprecedented 24,000-Year-Old Paleolithic Art Sanctuary Found In Spain

IFL Science 11 Sep 2023
The largest collection of prehistoric cave art in Eastern Iberia has been discovered in a cavern in Spain’s Valencia region ... “This technique is rare in Palaeolithic cave art and previously unknown in eastern Iberia,” write the authors.

Bronze Age Iberians Made Steel Tools 1,000 Years Before the Romans!

Ancient Origins 11 Mar 2023
... decentralized small communities in Iberia, and not due to the influence of later colonization processes,” Araque Gonzalez said, crediting the prehistoric locals for their ingenuity and inventiveness.
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