Pre-algebra is a common name for a course in middle school mathematics. In the United States, pre-algebra is usually taught in the 7th grade. The objective of pre-algebra is to prepare the student for the study of algebra.
Pre-algebra includes several broad subjects:
Review of natural number arithmetic
New types of numbers such as integers, fractions, decimals and negative numbers
Factorization of natural numbers
Properties of operations such as associativity and distributivity
Simple (integer) roots and powers
Rules of evaluation of expressions, such as operator precedence and use of parentheses
Basics of equations, including rules for invariant manipulation of equations
Understanding of variable manipulation
Manipulation and arithmetic with the standard 4-quadrant Cartesian coordinate plane
Pre-algebra may include subjects from geometry, especially subjects that further understanding of algebra in applications to area and volume.
Szczepanski, Amy F.; Kositsky, Andrew P. (2008), The Complete Idiot's Guide to Pre-algebra, Penguin