In Greek mythology, Praxidike is the goddess of judicial punishment and the exactor of vengeance, which were two closely allied concepts in the classical Greek world-view.
The Orphic Hymn to Persephone identifies Praxidike as an epithet of Persephone: "Praxidike, subterranean queen. The Eumenides’ source [mother], fair-haired, whose frame proceeds from Zeus’ ineffable and secret seeds." As praxis "practice, application" of dike "justice", she is sometimes identified with Dike, goddess of justice.
The plural Praxidikai refers to the following groups of mythological figures who presided over exacting of justice:
1. Arete and Homonoia, daughters of Praxidike and Soter, sisters to Ktesios.
2. Alalcomenia, Thelxionoea and Aulis, daughters of the early Boeotian king Ogyges. At Haliartos in Boeotia, Pausanias saw the open-air "sanctuary of the goddesses whom they call Praxidikae. Here the Haliartians swear, but the oath is not one they take lightly". Their images only portrayed their heads, and only heads of animals were sacrificed to them.
Praxidike (/prækˈsɪdᵻkiː/ prak-SID-ə-kee; Greek: Πραξιδίκη), also known as Jupiter XXVII, is a retrograde irregular satellite of Jupiter. It was discovered by a team of astronomers from the University of Hawaii led by Scott S. Sheppard in 2000, and given the temporary designation S/2000 J 7.
Praxidike orbits Jupiter at an average distance of 20,824 Mm in 613.904 days, at an inclination of 144° to the ecliptic (143° to Jupiter's equator), in a retrograde direction and with an eccentricity of 0.1840.
It was named in August 2003 after Praxidike, the Greek goddess of punishment.
Praxidike belongs to the Ananke group, believed to be the remnants of a break-up of a captured heliocentric asteroid. With an estimated diameter of 7 km, Praxidike is the second largest member of the group after Ananke itself (assumed albedo of 0.04).
The satellite appears grey (colour indices B-V=0.77, R-V= 0.34), typical of C-type asteroids.