Pratyaksha is one of the three principal means of knowledge, it means that which is present before the eyes clear, distinct and evident.
Pratyaksha (Sanskrit: प्रत्यक्ष) literally means that which is perceptible to the eye or visible, in general usage it refers to being present, present before the eye i.e. within the range of sight, cognizable by any sense organ, distinct, evident, clear, direct, immediate, explicit, express, corporeal; it is a Pramana, mode of proof. The Nyaya School recognizes Pratyaksha (perception) as a kind of pramana along with Anumana (inference), Upamana (comparison) and Shabda (verbal testimony); this school recognizes these four kinds only. The Sankhya School does not recognize Upamana as a pramana. To these four auxiliaries which help illuminate things the Vedantins and the Mimamsakas also add Anupalabdhi (non-apprehension) and Arthapatti (presumption)as valid pramanas.
Means of knowledge
Pratyaksha is one of the three principal means of knowledge. The three principal means of knowledge are – 1) Anumana, inference from data, which depends for its value on the possession of the right data, on the right observation of the data including the drawing of the right analogies, the unerring perception of true identity and rejection of false identity, the just estimate of difference and contrast, and on the power of right reasoning from the right data; 2) Pratyaksha which is the process of collecting and knowing the data, and 3) Aptavakya which is evidence, the testimony of men in possession of the sought after knowledge.