Powergaming (or power gaming) is a style of interacting with games or game-like systems, particularly video games, boardgames, and role-playing games, with the aim of maximising progress towards a specific goal, to the exclusion of other considerations such as storytelling, atmosphere and camaraderie. Due to its focus on the letter of the rules over the spirit of the rules, it is often seen as unsporting, un-fun, or unsociable. This behaviour is most often found in games with a wide range of game features, lengthy campaigns or prize tournaments such as massively multiplayer or collectible games.
Powergaming in roleplaying games can take several forms. One form is the deliberate creation of optimal player characters (PCs), with the aim of maximising the power the player wields in the game world by way of their avatar. This is known as min-maxing, due to the practice of balancing the PC's abilities through maximising desirable or "powerful" traits while minimising underpowered or unuseful traits. Such characters often draw criticism for not fitting the theme and tone of the game world or for being difficult to develop appropriate challenges for. Another form of power-gaming involves a focus on acquiring power during game progression, often by acquiring powerful equipment or unusual abilities. This lends itself to gameplay which is materialistic (and often, in the context of the game world, arguably amoral) and can frustrate other players who are looking to interact with the game world, score points, and not merely acquire game resources.
Yo son carabalí
Negro de nación
Sin la libertad
No pue'o vivi'
Mundele cabá
Con mi corazón
Tanto maltráta
Cuerpo ta' furí eh
Mundele cumba fiote
Siempre ta' ngarua'cha
Queta' por mucho
Que yo lo ndinga
Seimpre ta' maltratá
Ya ne me tabá
Labio de buirí
Ya ne me tabá
Labio de buirí
Yenyere Bruca Maniguá
Abre cruita buirindingo
Bruca Maniguá Ae
Yenyere Bruca Maniguá
Si ramento suaro suare
Bruca Maniguá Ae
Yenyere Bruca Maniguá
Como un teinda derechito
Bruca Maniguá Ae
Yenyere Bruca Maniguá
Un paso, un paso ubbe Yobelle lla
Bruca Maniguá Ae
Yenyere Bruca Maniguá
Ya yorrucu mandendo
Bruca Maniguá yaeooo
Yenyere Bruca Maniguá Ae
Yenyere Bruca Maniguá Ae
Yenyere Bruca Maniguá Ae
Yenyere Bruca Maniguá
Yenyere Bruca Maniguá
Yo son carabalí, son mandinga
Quiero mi libertad Ae
Yenyere Bruca Maniguá
Congo tiene teremende
Bruca Maniguá yaeooo
Yenyere Bruca Maniguá
Yo ta'tantando lo mundele
Bruca Maniguá Ae
Yenyere Bruca Maniguá
Que esa negra a mi me engaña
Bruca Maniguá Ae
Yenyere Bruca Maniguá
Que esa negra a mi me engaña
Bruca Maniguá Ae