"Pour toi Arménie" (English Translation: "For You, Armenia") is a 1989 song written and composed by Charles Aznavour, and recorded by a group of French singers (and also a few actors and TV presenters) who were popular at the time. This charity single was intended to raise funds to help the Armenians who experienced the 1988 Spitak earthquake. It sold more than 1 million copies under the Trema-EMI label.
This song was entirely written and composed by Charles Aznavour and Georges Garvarentz which made a great tribute to the country of his ancestral origins and his relationship that he always have kept in his heart. After the earthquake in Armenia, he asked his singers, actors and TV presenters friends to sing with him "Pour toi Arménie", song devoted to help victims of this tragedy.
At the same time, in the United Kingdom, the collective band named Rock Aid Armenia made a cover of "Smoke on the Water" also for the same charitable purpose.
The artists that composed this group were :
(M Albert/Louis Gaste)
(Marie-Helene Bouquin)
Pour toi
J'ai quitt, ceux que j'aimais
J'ai perdu ceux qui m'aimaient
Ce soir he n'ai que toi...
Sans toi
Le jour ressemble ? la nuit
La vie ressemble ? la mort
Ce soir je n'ai que toi
Tes yeux
Brillent comme le feu
Ta bouche
En a pris la couleur
Ton corps
En a gard, la chaleur
Tes doigts courant sur me peau nue
Ta voix
Mourant dans un soupir
Et moi
Frissonnant de plaisir
Pour toi
J'ai d,truit tout mon pass,
J'ai reni, j'ai oubli,
J'ai fait cela
Pour toi
Vers toi
Vont les r^ves de mes nuits
Vont les d,sirs de ma vie
Ce soir ,coute-moi
Tes yeux
Brillent comme le feu
Ta bouche
En a pris la couleur
Ton corps
En a gard, la chaleur
Tes doigts courant sur me peau nue
Ta voix
Mourant dans un soupir
Et moi
Frissonnant de plaisir...