Motion, the process of movement, is described using specific anatomical terms. Motion includes movement of organs, joints, limbs, and specific sections of the body. The terminology used describes this motion according to its direction relative to the anatomical position of the joints. Anatomists use a unified set of terms to describe most of the movements, although other, more specialized terms are necessary for describing the uniqueness of the movements such as those of the hands, feet, and eyes.
In general, motion is classified according to the anatomical plane it occurs in. Flexion and extension are examples of angular motions, in which two axes of a joint are brought closer together or moved further apart. Rotational motion may occur at other joints, for example the shoulder, and are described as internal or external. Other terms, such as elevation and depression, refer to movement above or below the horizontal plane. Many anatomical terms derive from Latin terms with the same meaning.
The Panic of 1907 – also known as the 1907 Bankers' Panic or Knickerbocker Crisis – was a United States financial crisis that took place over a three-week period starting in mid-October, when the New York Stock Exchange fell almost 50% from its peak the previous year. Panic occurred, as this was during a time of economic recession, and there were numerous runs on banks and trust companies. The 1907 panic eventually spread throughout the nation when many state and local banks and businesses entered bankruptcy. Primary causes of the run included a retraction of market liquidity by a number of New York City banks and a loss of confidence among depositors, exacerbated by unregulated side bets at bucket shops. The panic was triggered by the failed attempt in October 1907 to corner the market on stock of the United Copper Company. When this bid failed, banks that had lent money to the cornering scheme suffered runs that later spread to affiliated banks and trusts, leading a week later to the downfall of the Knickerbocker Trust Company—New York City's third-largest trust. The collapse of the Knickerbocker spread fear throughout the city's trusts as regional banks withdrew reserves from New York City banks. Panic extended across the nation as vast numbers of people withdrew deposits from their regional banks.
Post is a fictional character and mutant in the Marvel Comics universe. His first appearance was in X-Men v2, #50.
Kevin Tremain was a mutant captured and studied by the Mandarin. On a secret mission, the Six Pack attacked the secret base Tremain was held in. Tremain was mortally injured; Cable tried to save his life, first by using his telekinesis to keep Tremain's body together, and finally by giving him a blood transfusion. Although it seems he survived this trauma, Cable seemed to think Tremain had later died.
Years later, Tremain resurfaced as Post, the lowest of Onslaught's emissaries. Onslaught forced Gateway to teleport Cyclops, Storm, Iceman, and Wolverine to where Post could "test" them. The four managed to defeat Post and were transported back to the Mansion. Later, Post attacked Cable, who instantly recognized his identity as Tremain. Post defeated Cable and left him for the Hulk to finish off. Post was later charged with ensuring the Sentinels would launch, he battled X-Factor with them and succeeded protecting the Sentinels. He and his master Onslaught were eventually defeated by the heroes.
Post is a surname of Low German or Dutch origin. It can be either toponymic or occupational ("messenger; courier"). People with the name Post include:
The Post is an English-language newspaper in South Africa owned by Independent News & Media and published in Durban, South Africa.
Pop may refer to:
An ice pop is a water-based frozen snack. It is also referred to as a popsicle (Canada, U.S.), freeze pop (Ireland, U.S.), ice lolly (United Kingdom, Ireland), ice block, icy pole (parts of Australia and New Zealand), or chihiro (Cayman Islands). It is made by freezing flavored liquid (such as fruit juice) around a stick, generally resembling a tongue depressor. Often, the juice is colored artificially. Once the liquid freezes solid, the stick can be used as a handle to hold the ice pop. When an ice pop does not have a stick, it is called, among other names, a freezie.
Frank Epperson of Oakland, California, popularized ice pops after patenting the concept of "frozen ice on a stick" in 1923. He initially called it the Epsicle. A couple of years later, Epperson sold the rights to the invention and the Popsicle brand to the Joe Lowe Company in New York City.
Epperson claimed to have first created an ice pop in 1905 at the age of 11 when he accidentally left a glass of powdered soda and water with a mixing stick in it on his porch during a cold night, a story printed on the back panel of Popscicle brand treat boxes in the 80's and 90's. However, the evidence for this is scant.