Pope Donus (died 11 April 678) was Pope from 2 November 676 to his death in 678. He was the son of a Roman named Mauricius. Not much is known of this pope.
While he was Pope, he had the enclosed forecourt of St. Peter's Basilica paved, had the atrium (or quadrangle) in front of St. Peter's paved with great blocks of white marble, and restored other churches of Rome, notably the church of St. Euphemia on the Appian Way and the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls.
During the pontificate of Donus, Reparatus, the Archbishop of Ravenna, returned to the obedience of the Holy See, thus ending the schism created by Archbishop Maurus, who had aimed at making Ravenna autocephalous.
During the reign of Donus, a colony of Nestorian monks was discovered in a Syrian monastery at Rome — the Monasterium Boetianum. They were possibly refugees following the Muslim conquest of the Levant. Donus is reported to have dispersed them through the various religious houses of the city and to have given their monastery to Roman monks.
monkey middle with a fiddle
in a real tight ragtime band
cause a blaze of fame and fortune
heard so loud across the land
and those little people who buy those records sit lonely
in their homes with funny faces falling into the great
they got little polka-dot undies
and you know they have their fun
they got matching ties and curtains
and they get their washing done
but come evening comes a feeling when they lay their
burdens down when they put that record on
the house is jumping with excitement '
everyone's acting out of character
but everything goes back to normal
a half an hour later
and everyone acts like nothing happened
as that record goes back into he sleeve
that's one house guest that'll never leave
monkey middle with a fiddle
in a real tight ragtime band
cause a blaze of fame and fortune
heard so loud across the land
and those little people who buy those records sit lonely
in their homes with funny faces falling into the great